Sharon K. Jung, ARNP, CAQ in Headache Medicine
Headache Specialist in Tacoma, WA

Sharon K. Jung, ARNP, CAQ in Headache Medicine
Sharon Jung has been with Puget Sound Neurology since 1999. She has a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science in nursing from Pacific Lutheran University. She also holds the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Certification and is a Certified Neurosciences Registered Nurse. Sharon recently passed the Certificate of Added Qualification Exam in Headache Medicine, this qualification is awarded through the National Headache Foundation.
Sharon is a lifelong resident of Tacoma. Before beginning her Neuroscience practice, she worked on a medical-surgical hospital floor. She also worked in the Education field.
She currently lectures to the medical community on Headache/Migraine and Parkinson’s/Movement Disorders throughout Western Washington and has received numerous awards for her community service. Sharon has built her practice with compassionate care, particularly for those patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Sharon is also an avid runner, having competed in numerous marathons.